iXueChinese is online Chinese language teaching school for Chinese learners from all over world. We are devoted to helping students to develop their Chinese skills. We have designed a variety of online Chinese language courses to meet your specific needs and created individualized Chinese lessons for each of our students. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student, we can adapt to your Chinese learning goals.

We provide abundant video courses to meet your personal needs, these courses are all designed by professional teachers with rich experiences. You also can take 1-on-1 classes with our passionate and energetic teachers, teachers will make tailored study plans and courses according to your current Chinese level, pace and style. 

We offer students the best way to learn Chinese online and become proficient in the Chinese language.  

Abundant video courses are provided by our professional teachers to meet your specific needs and learning goals.          

Live, online face to face classes ensure teachers meet your personal needs. Our teacher team is dedicated to meeting student’s needs and created individualized Chinese lessons for each of our students.

          Learn Chinese anytime, any where on your computer, mobile phone, or iPad. We provide students the best way to learn Mandarin Chinese online and become proficient in the Chinese language.

          Our Chinese teachers are certified teachers with Bachelor or Master Degree. They are native Mandarin Chinese speaker with rich experience in teaching.